50kvar 440V epoxy resin dielectric Power Capacitor for reactive power supply
What is reactive power ? How does reactive power come into being?
The AC system provides two foms of electric energy, active power and passive power.
Active power. AlI inductive devices operating in the AC system convert electrical energy from the power supply system into mechanical energy and thermal energy, which is called activepower.
Reactive power: In order to achieve this transformation, it is necessary to establish magnetic fields in the equipment, and these magnetic fields are related to another form of electrical energy provided in the power supply system, which is called reactive power energy.
The existing forms of reactive power are as folows.
Reactive Power (Transformer, Motor, etc.) Required by Inductance Circuit
Reactive Power (Cable, etc.) Required by Capacitance Circuit Active power KW = P, reactive power KVAR = Q, inductance reactive power + Q, capacitor reactive power - Q Apparent power KVA= S
As long as the user has electric load such as motor transformer on site, he will consume reactive power, so the demand for reactive power is just
needed for the user.
What is the power factor?
The power factor is the active power KW. The closer the power factor is to the maximum value of 1, the more favorable PF= P (KW)/S (KVA) is for users and power supplydepartments.
For example, if the power factor is only 0.7, if the power factor is not up to the standard, there will be a penalty for the electricity charge. The power factor reaches 0.95. If the power factor exceeds the assessment index, the power supply bureau will award a calendar.
Increase of efficiencyCorrection of Power Factor to ImproveEquipment Efficiency